Thursday, April 29, 2010

random thoughts... this is how my brain works

Follow a train of thought with me for a moment...

(Driving down the road.)

Look at that guy riding that bike... Those shorts have to be uncomfortable... how do guys ride bikes with a little seat like that? How does that not affect his balls?

I wish I had more time to leisurely ride my bike to and from things...

Wow my eyebrows need to be plucked.

Why am I constantly subjected to listening to Lady-Ga-Ga? "rah rah rom mamama oohh la la lahhh dduuhhh duhh... bad ro-mance...."

(Reading a text)

Wes: something something (I can't remember what because all I saw were the following words) 'negative nancy'

This turns me in from slightly bemused by my surroundings to totally irritated. Explain why me having an opinion that negates his makes me Negative Nancy? Would he appreciate me calling him Delusional Dave? Or how about Prideful Peter? Childish Charlie? Lazy Luke? Shortcut Shaun? Hmmm something tells me those would all offend him equally and the same. Which brings me to my next point -

I am totally within my rights to share an opinion that differs from any ones else's that shows more wisdom, sheds light, or encompasses the pros and cons of any situation. OR if at (very) least - I like to simply put my own spin on any scenario WITHOUT being called negative. Since when did 'opinionated' become 'negative'? I am not and have never been a bumbling idiot taking orders without asking questions. Dammit! That's who I am! I came into this world asking questions!

Wow look at all those baby cows to the left! I wish Iiiii had a farm with baby cows. There is nothing cuter than baby farm animals.

Maybe I should get a calendar with baby farm animals they sell those don't they? That would make me happy.


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